Dunn Sept Association

Distribution of the Dunn Surname in America
Origin of Dunn Surname & Coat of Arms
Dunns in Dublin 1850
Dunn Sept History
Dunn Landowners & Tenants in Ireland
Dunn Landowners in Illinois
Dunn Census Records
Dunn Marriages in Illinois
Cloonagh Beg Ireland
Civil War Illinois
Peter Dunn   1831-1882
William Dunn  1826-1899
Milam Township
Calvary 1871
St. Patrick Church
Macon County
Peter Dunn Estate
Calvary Cemetery, Decatur, Illinois
St. Isidore Cemetery, Bethany, Illinois
Henneberry Family
Irish Families in Illinois
Magner Family
Knowles Genealogy
Irish Ancestral Research
Dempsey Family
Credits & Bibliography
Social Security Index
Dempseys in Ireland
Dempseys in CivilWar
1850 Census Mass.
Laux Family
Corcoran Family
McGowan Family
Nolan Family
Tiernan Family
Edward Nolan Family
Ireland Photos
Dunn/Witt Family

Dunns in Dublin

Shaw's Dublin City Directory 1850    


Listings for Dunn = 23

Edward, 6 Clanbrassil St (house painter)
Ellen, 12 Bass place (provision dealer)
Francis, 8 Mountpelier Hill (occup not listed)
James, 25 Charlotte st (provision stores)
John, 8 Grand Canal place (licensed to sell tobacco) 
John, 6 Oriel place (ship carpenter)
John, 40 Moore St (poulterer)
John, 8 Andrew St (grocer)
John, 3 Clanbrassil Terrace (occup not listed) 
John, 42 Townsend St (tallow chandler) 
Margaret, 26 Charles St West (broker)
Martin, 3 Charles St West (broker) 
Michael, 175 North King st (dairy)
Michael, 34 Constitution Hill (provision stores)
Miss, 14 Hardwicke St (occup. not listed)
Patrick, 28 Bridgefoot St (dairy)
Patrick, 25 Little Mary St (clothier)
Patrick, 10 Cannon St (chair maker)
Patrick, 3 Queen St (grocer) 
Patrick, 50 Old Church St (umbrella maker)
Peter, 3 Ormond market (poulterer)
Thomas, 12 Great Ship St (provision dealer)
Thomas, 115 Lower Coombe (dairy)


Listings for Dunne = 55

Bartholemew, 1 West Temple St (provision dealer)
Charles, 4 Charleville Mall (Esq.)
Christopher, 5 Windmill lane (coal factor)
Christopher, 13 Mary's lane (clothes broker)
Denis, 13 Cardiff's lane (mercantile clerk)
Edmond, 22 North Strand (smith in general)
Edward, 1 Lower Dorset St (chandler)
Edward, 35 George's quay (dairy)
Edward, 7 Annesley Bridge (general smith)
Elizabeth, 6 Great Britain St (provision stores) 
James, 36 Bishop St (bricklayer)
James, Blessington place (house painter)
James, 18 Westmoreland St (occup. not listed - address contains a stock broker's office) 
Jeremiah, 14 Fitzwilliam Sq South (Esq.)
John, 12 Great Clarence place (occup not listed)
John, 53 Watling St (occup. not listed) 
John, 4 New Row South (tinplate worker) 
John, 1 James' terrace, Dolphin's Barn (tenements - no indiv. listings)
John, 19 James' St East (occup. not listed)
 John Henry, 39 York St and Rocklands, Stillorgan (solicitor) 
Joseph, 57 Fleet St (provision dealer)
Kate, 25 Wellington Quay (milliner)
Laurence, 49 North Brunswick St (livery stabler) 
Luke, 50 Pill lane (comb maker) 
Margaret, 2 Talbot place (vintner) 
Mary, 18 Andrew St (dressmaker)
Mary, 34-35 Ashe St (furniture dealer)
Mary, 55 Great Britain St (victualler)
Mathew, 47 Jervis St (tailor)
Mathew, 23 Beresford St (provision dealer)
Matthew, 120 Townsend St (baker)
Michael, 4 Thomas St (victualler)
Michael, 97 Amiens St (builder)
Michael, 31 Thomas St (victualler) 
Miss, 17 Lower Rutland St (occup not listed)
Miss, 3 North William St (occup not listed) 
Nicholas, 6 Bedford St (horseshoer)
Peter, 92 James' St (lodging house)
Patrick, 51 South King St (vintner)
Patrick, 12 South King St (provision dealer) 
Patrick, 39 Arran Quay, 2 Queen St and 7 Tighe St (grocer and spirit merchant)
Patrick, 40 Wicklow St (merchant tailor) 
Patrick, 51 Westland Row (builder) 
Richard, 2 Draper's court (broker) 
Thomas, 33 Ashe St (furniture dealer) 
Thomas, 5 Burgh Quay (proprietor - Trafalgar Hotel and Tavern) 
Valentine, 12 Charleville Mall (solicitor)
William, 7 Mark's alley, Fishamble St and Butterfield Ave, Rathfarnham (poplin manufacturer)
William, 13 Great Longford St (painter)
William, 10 Mary St (haberdasher) 
William, 11 Cash Row (victualler) - street also known as Rotunda market
William, 6 Upper Dorset St (house painter)
William, 3 Molesworth St (solicitor) From the Law Directory
70 Queen St (physician and surgeon)-no initial or first name and Auchinleck, 65 Great Strand St (no detailed street listing) and Kelly, 52 Watling St (skinners)  


Coat of Arms (specific design and mantle-above) purchased from Araltas.com (MZ8N) on April 24, 2001.           

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